Probably, there is no such man who would not have heard about the female G-spot. This is a place on the body that can give real bliss. And what about the stronger sex? G is the point in men, also leading to an unforgettable orgasm. A woman should not forget about her during intercourse. G is a point in men, the existence of which must be taken into account by every good lover. This erogenous zone is a secret place on the body, the gentle touch of which is a complete delight.
G - a point in men on the body, giving pleasure
So, in more detail. Where is the G-spot in men located and what is it? It's actually the prostate. That is, G is the point in men, located under the bladder, between the testicles and the anus. You should not be intimidated by such anatomical details. All shyness and stiffness is smoothed out, because the partner gets great pleasure.

Correct stimulation
Knowing where the G-spot in men is is not enough. You need to be able to properly stimulate it. For example, oral sex is best done on top of your partner, with your back to his face. This pose frees your hands. Therefore, it is very easy to reach the cherished place. At that moment, when the orgasm is already close, it is necessary to start pressing rhythmically on the G-spot. The main thing is not to lose the rhythm, making one click per second. The orgasm will be much brighter than ever.
Transcendental sensations
In short, the G-spot in men, stimulating which can achieve excellent results. Moreover, the partner will receive incredible sensations if the woman offers him a bold experiment. For example, you can try to convince a man to insert a special sex toy into his anus. Like anal beads. They need to be inside throughout the entire sexual intercourse. In this case, the stimulation must be constant. It will be stronger from the inside. With the onset of orgasm, the balls need to be removed one at a time, without losing the rhythm of the partner's movements. The man will be in seventh heaven. And the woman will receive the well-deserved title of the most gorgeous lover.

Myth or Reality?
Where the G-spot in men is located was first announced by Ernst Grafenberg, a German gynecologist. About sixty years ago, he suggested that there is a nerve bundle in the body of each person, the stimulation of which leads to bright orgasms.
Since then, many have been looking for erogenous zones. However, some serious research has recently been carried out in London. For this, scientists have collected 900 pairs of twins. Naturally, the set of genes in twins must be the same. That is, the G-point must either be present or absent for both. But doctors did not find such a match. To date, such research has become the most "scientific" in this area.

But most people are firmly convinced that there is still a secret G-spot in men. Sexologists tell us how to find it and how to stimulate it. But everything is extremely simple.
An important role in the orgasm and arousal of a man is played by the prostate. Due to its location, it fixes an erection.
And an orgasm occurs, as you know, in the form of two successive stages - emission and ejaculation. During emission, the fluid that forms the semen is discharged into a so-called mixer - into the prostatic urethra. Preparing for the "shot". To facilitate this task, the prostate and other organs eject fluid in a series of contractions. That is, they work like powerful nozzles. At the same time, fresh spermatozoa move into the combustion chamber along the vas deferens. The prostate contracts with violent spasms at this stage for two to three seconds. At this moment, the man gets great pleasure. Such a moment is called by sexologists the instant of the inevitability of ejaculation.
The second stage of orgasm is the contraction of the sphincter muscle. The waste tract for semen into the bladder is cut off. A series of muscle contractions carry the seed to the very end.
The male G-spot has a lot in common with the female. They develop from a single embryonic tissue. Both produce ejaculate. You can stimulate the prostate by external and internal methods. For internal stimulation, a woman needs to gently insert a lubricated finger into the anus and press towards the pubis. The partner will feel a round, hard lump the size of a chestnut or walnut. You need to press on it.
For external stimulation, it is necessary to press the pad of the thumb against the perineum. Whether the effect is pleasant is, of course, a private matter for everyone. Some men only get pleasure when they are excited. Some people feel almost nothing at all. And some argue that stimulation of the prostate helps maintain an erection.
By the way, in ancient Chinese manuscripts, a similar technique is described, designed specifically to slow down ejaculation. The only difference is that the man did it on his own. He pressed on the perineum before ejaculating with his middle and index fingers for three seconds. Presumably, this procedure allowed to delay ejaculation, but not orgasm.

In short, knowing where the male G-spot is is very important for any woman. In this case, she will be able to give her partner an unforgettable pleasure.
How to find the G-spot in a man
It is believed that the main male organ is the phallus. All erogenous zones are concentrated on it. In fact, in the body of any man there is another powerful sexual weapon that takes an active part in every sexual act. This refers to the prostate gland or, in other words, the prostate.
In a fit of passion, few people remember the presence of a prostate. And completely in vain. She, like the main male genital organ, is very sensitive to stimulation. Some sexologists put it on a par with the female G-spot, because a competent effect on the prostate is accompanied by an unforgettable pleasure.

How can one find this mysterious zone in a man's body?
- Before you start looking for a cherished point in your partner's body, ask him to go through a little preparation. Ideally, a man should cleanse the intestines and empty the rectum with an enema, which will give more aesthetics to the massage of such a secret place.
- Do your best to make your partner relax and trust you completely. His inner insecurity will lead to the contraction of the sphincter and the complete failure of your sexual experiment. Find out from the man if he really wants to participate in this. Otherwise, instead of bright pleasure, he will feel only discomfort and pain.
- Make sure to trim your nails. If you have extended nails, do not even try to start looking for the G-spot, as this is fraught with the appearance of microtraumas in the rectum of your loved one.
- Wash your hands thoroughly, and not only before, but also after finding and finding the cherished point. Do not touch the hand that was involved in the search, the male genital organ or your genitals, or better yet, use disposable gloves. Thus, you will protect yourself from a variety of microorganisms from the partner's large intestine, which can lead to the development of inflammatory processes.
- Do not start looking for a prostate at the beginning of intercourse. It is better to postpone this until the moment when you feel the imminent approach of the climax. Otherwise, you can simply destroy the sexual mood of your partner and even make him unpleasant.
- Give your man an erotic massage, starting from the head and smoothly moving to the stomach and back. Pay special attention to your buttocks. Massage your partner with gentle, gentle movements.
- Have your man lie on his back. At this time, you will sit between his legs and very delicately and carefully insert your finger into his anus, not forgetting to use vaseline oil or a special lubricant. Move forward about 4-5 cm and try to feel on the front wall of the intestine on the side of the abdomen for a bulge the size of a chestnut.
- Alternatively, you can ask your partner to take a knee-elbow position or lie on your side, preferably the right one, and press your knees tightly against your stomach. This position will not only make it easier for you, but also allow the man to experience multiple orgasms. In this position, the muscles of the pelvis relax to the maximum.
- If you manage to find that very magic point, stop and give the man the opportunity to get used to this state.
- If your partner doesn’t agree to seek the G-spot internally, try to persuade him to use external stimulation, which is also convenient in the knee-elbow position or on the side. Run your finger along the man's crotch from the scrotum back and stop closer to the opening of the anus. It is in this area that the prostate is located.

We hope these simple recommendations will help you bring true pleasure to your partner and diversify your sex life to the maximum.
How to find the Ji point in men and stimulate it correctly? Basic rules and advice.

Finding the Ji point for a man is much easier than for a woman. True, there is a small problem - it is hidden in a place to which naughty fingers are not always allowed to approach.
Well, the female G-spot has long migrated from the realm of fantasy to, albeit well hidden, reality.
And while scientists are trying to determine its exact coordinates in order to make it easier for men to search for the mysterious erogenous zone, the weaker sex has an advantage. After all, finding this very G-spot in guys is much easier.
How to find the D-point in a man?
You can deliver incredibly vivid sensations to your partner simply by provoking contraction of the prostate muscles. Oh yes - she is the male point of Ji.
Moreover, the orgasm will turn out to be much more colorful than the pale likeness that covers the partner with a wave when the penis is stimulated. And the easiest way to get to such a powerful weapon is to plunge two phalanges of your finger into the anus and feel for a dense nodule on the front wall of the intestine.

Then it remains only to lightly massage this point in time with the oral sex of manhood.
Yes, the orgasm will be strong, bright and not habitually pulsating, but like a tidal wave - powerful and measured.
There is just one problem. Among men, of course, there are those who enthusiastically agree to experiment. But the vast majority of guys tense up very hard when trying to get closer to their anus.
For the most part, this is due to stereotypes (they say, only connoisseurs of same-sex love are allowed there), which are very difficult to deal with. However, don't be upset - there are workarounds.
Start with massage, external influence
Do you practice foreplay? Do you combine business with pleasure, smoothly switching from a relaxing massage to an exciting one?
Excellent. So you have the opportunity to sneak up suddenly. To begin with, the back: it is important to thoroughly stretch the muscles from the lower back to the tailbone. First, soft circular motions, then light tapping with your fingertips along the spine.
Your current task is to increase blood flow to his pelvic organs. It will take about 3-5 minutes (more than 7 is impossible - harmful).
Then, with a gentle movement, you move your dexterous palms to the lower part of his abdomen so that your fingers meet exactly in the center, just above the pubic bone. Lightly but confidently, press your fingertips on the muscles of the lower press and move your palms 3-4 cm to the right.
Then return to the starting position and move to the left. After several repetitions, it is necessary to "rise" a couple of cm closer to the navel and repeat the movements from side to side. And so on until you get to the navel. Then, in the same way, go back to the pubis.
Getting closer
Massage manages to thoroughly warm up the prostate area, increasing its sensitivity. Now all that remains is to consolidate the effect. To do this, you need to get your fingers under his scrotum and not too intensively, but rather confidently, in circular movements, massage the area from the testicles to the anus.
It is this zone that can be conventionally called the external male point G. It is unlikely that the guy will try to remove your hand from such an interesting place. Especially if he is distracted along the way by oral sex.
But here is an involuntary compression of the sphincter or tension of the buttocks is a completely natural reaction. And it is only beneficial - not only do you caress one of the most sensitive points, but the shy partner does the same. In most cases, without even realizing it.
Now the main thing is not to be distracted for a long time already until you bring the man to victory. And yes, be sure, after such a title of queen is guaranteed.
How to massage the Ji point?
Having found the magic point, start stimulating it, but do not turn it into a joystick or a stuck button. Just imagine that your clitoris is under your finger - lightly press on it, move to the sides or caress it with soft circular movements.
At the moment of approaching the climax, sexologists recommend rhythmic pressing - about once a second.

Are you lucky and did not have to persuade your loved one for such a non-standard affection for a long time? Sumptuously. Then just remember a few important rules.
No nails
It is only in the movies that a couple of centimeters of such a dangerous weapon does not harm a partner. The reality is much more prosaic - intrusion into the depths with a manicured claw will bring nothing but pain and injury. Therefore, cut it at the root.
And then also hide your finger under the latex - it's more reliable.
There should be a lot of it. And it is advisable to select a specialized remedy (with lidocaine for anal sex) - in this way it will be possible to reduce the unpleasant sensations characteristic of the beginning of such caresses.
Just memorize this word, so as not to get lost later. After all, you don't need to stick your finger there, but screw it gently - this way you will cause less discomfort.
Think about toys
Useful as anal balls and more modern stimulants, designed to simultaneously affect both the inner "pea" and the outer zone, the area from the base of the penis to the anus.
Various male G-spot stimulants can be viewed here.
And the most important thing is hygiene.
Before you caress your partner, wash your hands thoroughly - you don't need infectious diseases. And after the finger has been in the secret place, keep it away from your genitals.
At least until you disinfect him. After all, the intestinal microflora in relation to the genitals is very aggressive.
Where is the G-spot in men and how to stimulate it

Many believe that the main erogenous zone on the body of guys is the phallus, forgetting about such a secluded place as the G-spot in men. It is a powerful intimate weapon that actively participates in every love affair. In a fit of passion, few people remember this point, but its stimulation will allow the partner to achieve a strong orgasm and shorten the recovery time for further carnal pleasures.
How to find the D-point in a man
Curiosity is caused by the fact that many young people themselves do not know where men have the G point of excitement, and some are even completely unaware of its existence.
The desire for sexual satisfaction pushes guys to unravel the secrets of their own bodies on their own (or together with their beloved). At the same time, they definitely like not only the result, but also the very process of finding the cherished point.
Although the male genital organ is outside, the location of the G-spot in guys is very curious - it is hidden in the depths of the pelvis between the pubic bones and the rectum, where it is firmly fixed by the ligaments. This zone is the link between the reproductive and urinary systems of a young person.
The Ji point is penetrated by veins and arteries, closely connected with the vessels, which are located directly on the male genital organ. In its shape, it resembles a chestnut or walnut. This area grows up to 20 years, weighs 20 g and occupies an area of no more than 4 square meters. see Find it difficult, as it is located in the upper part of the urethra below the bladder. This can be done through the anus, penetrating 5-7 cm deep. By feeling for a small bulge on the front wall of the abdomen, you can be sure that the search was crowned with success.
It is because of the seclusion of the place where the G-spot is in men that guys doubt whether it is worth studying it at all. A stereotype is firmly entrenched in their heads that only connoisseurs of same-sex love give access to the anus. In addition, many men are very reluctant to agree to such an experiment, because they are afraid of getting unpleasant sensations or simply do not want to discuss it with their partner.
Male point stimulation methods
Finding the cherished place on the body of a lover is not enough. It is also important to master the correct stimulation of the G-spot in men.

There are two ways:
- External.To do this, lightly press or press on the erogenous zone located between the scrotum and the anus. Manipulations are best done with the thumb and forefinger, after wiping lightly over the pressure area. When a man is aroused, the sensitivity of the Ji point increases, so when you press hard it is likely to interfere with ejaculation. You should move carefully and smoothly. In addition, you need to closely monitor your partner's reactions. If it becomes noticeable that the process does not give him pleasure, then it is better to immediately stop the procedure.
- Interior.This method will give the guy unforgettable and vivid emotions, but many young people do not agree to it, believing that the girl will take this for a manifestation of an inclination towards unconventional love. The essence of the method lies in the fact that the woman carefully inserts her finger into the anus of her partner, then carefully looks for a small bulge and proceeds to stimulate it. In this case, sharp and strong movements should be avoided. Every action should be soft and fluid. To avoid possible injury and damage, hands are lubricated with a special lubricant. It is more convenient for the girl to carry out internal stimulation while in the backward riding position. In this position, her hands remain free, which allows you to freely massage melancholy G. The amplitude of pressure should not exceed one movement per second. Thanks to this man, a bright and unforgettable peak of pleasure is provided.
Preparing for stimulation
If the partners decided to try the secrets of stimulating the cherished point in a man, then in order to get the most vivid sensations they need to properly prepare for the process:
- First you need to prepare the man himself. Ideally, he needs to cleanse his rectum using an enema or laxative. This will give the intimate massage a more attractive look.
- Before finding the G-spot in a man, partners need to achieve complete trust, otherwise the young man will not be able to relax, which is why the stimulation will not bring any pleasure. On the contrary, it is highly likely that the girl's movements will only give him unpleasant and painful sensations.
- The girl needs to prepare her hands: remove a long manicure, make sure that they are tender and soft, otherwise you can accidentally injure the inner mucous membrane, which will lead to the development of inflammatory processes in the body.
- Compliance with the rules of hygiene is imperative. Wash your hands thoroughly or wear disposable medical gloves. It will also not hurt to use a special lubricant. After stimulation, it is impossible to touch the male or female genital organs, as microorganisms remain on the skin that can provoke the development of the inflammatory process.
- It will not hurt to give your partner an erotic massage, starting from the head and ending with the buttocks. This will allow the guy to relax and get the most out of the process of exploring his body.
- A man needs to choose the position that is most comfortable for him. The best position for this is the supine position, and the girl between his legs.
- Movements should be weak but rhythmic. You need to continue them until the guy feels the brightest orgasm. It is important to observe the reaction of your partner.
- You should start looking for the place where the male G-spot is located shortly before the onset of orgasm. Otherwise, the lady runs the risk of killing the sexual mood and discouraging the desire to continue doing this.

How to massage the Ji point
The correct stimulation is light rhythmic pressure, back and forth movements, or gentle circular manipulation. But don't turn it into a stuck button. The process should be enjoyable, and not make the guy fidget on the bed in pain.
G-spot massage in men can reduce the duration of the refractory phase. After it, the traditional time to restore an erection is reduced from 40-60 minutes to almost instantaneous appearance.
The guy is guaranteed a magical multi-orgasm, but at the same time it is worth remembering a few important rules so that stimulation does not give the opposite effect.
No nails
Long nails do no harm to a partner only in adult films. In reality, such a weapon can deliver a lot of unpleasant and even painful sensations, because penetration into the anus with a sharpened marigold can injure the mucous membrane, and this will not seem pleasant to anyone. The nails should be cut at the root.
Lubricant is a specialty lubricant, often water-based. When stimulating the male G-spot, there should be a lot of it. A specialized lidocaine lubricant is best. It is used specifically for anal sex.

With the help of the substance, the unpleasant sensations that are characteristic of such caresses are reduced. But it is worth remembering that the pain reliever begins to work only 10-15 minutes after applying the lubricant, so there is no need to rush.